Friday, January 9, 2009

Organizing Winter hats, mittens & scarves

For a long time I wondered what people could be purchasing those large plastic drawer sets for. I just love organizational tools and so I must know all the multiple uses for them. But these large drawers had me puzzled. You can’t put anything in the drawers of much weight or the bottom of the drawer will bend down below the frame making it difficult to open. You also can not pile anything on top of the set of drawers or the plastic frame will bend down preventing you from opening the drawer below it. I have found that a set of drawers works perfectly for winter hats. lint rollers (for when you are going out the door), mittens and scarves. I put a few umbrellas on top which is also a light load perfect for the plastic drawers. The drawers we have has a set of wheels on it which makes it easy to roll out of the coat closet into more light so everyone can dig for what they want before a play day in the snow. I can imagine using them to store undies, socks and the like in a bedroom closet but I'm not sure what else. If you have found other uses please share.


Danielle said...

We've got one too! Well, ours is single drawer but it serves the same purpose!

lifebythehandful said...

I like the mitten idea, although we don't get too many snow days in the desert. I use one for art supplies, the top drawer houses paint supplies, the middle crayons and the bottom stickers and coloring books.

Knit Knut said...

I just realized I have a plastic drawer set too. It's been used to store light-weight things in the kitchen and now it's in a closet holding balls of yarn.

Sharon said...

I was just telling my husband the other day that we need one of these for winter things!
Great idea!!! :)