Monday, March 2, 2009

Top 10 Reasons Why Cooking and Baking from Scratch is Superior to Eating Food made from Boxes and Mixes:

10) Contrary to what you may think, cooking and baking from scratch really is as easy as making it from a box

9) It is more time consuming to research the harmful effects of those big artificial ingredients on a box than to just mix it yourself

8) Scratch cooking tastes better once you cut your taste buds off from the processed food wagon

7) It has been predicted that our generation, (30s/40s), and those born after us will NOT outlive our elders – why do you think this is?

6) You will consume significantly less sodium eating homemade foods than boxed/processed and that will make your heart happy

5) Foods that come from real plants and animals are more nutricious than man-made non-pronounceable ingredients

4) You can drop an expensive vitamin habit by getting all your vitamins and minerals from eating homemade food

3) Cooking/baking from scratch is almost always less expensive

2) To teach your children to cook healthy nutritious food is to give them lifelong tools for living a long healthy life

And the Number 1 Reason That Cooking and Baking from Scratch is Superior to Eating Food from Boxes and Mixes (drum roll)

1) Homemade/scratch food is made with love

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