Monday, March 2, 2009

Stop Renting your Wardrobe

I have been washing and ironing my husband’s work shirts for 5 ½ years now (gasp!) and was interested to hear, on the radio the other day, that stay-at-home moms are getting hit with cutbacks by having to iron the family’s clothing rather than sending them to the drycleaner. I had to laugh at the horrible lives of these stay-at-home mothers ironing for the first time in years. More evidence of how spoiled middle-class Americans really are for the comment to have even been made.

When purchasing new clothing I always skip over things that must be dry cleaned. That’s right, ALWAYS, with the small exception of business suits. If you are paying to have your clothes dry cleaned you will be paying more in the long run to keep them than you paid to buy them. I see it as rental wear and I refuse to “rent” my clothes. Due to the available fabrics years ago, our garment choices were limited and if you were a working professional, dry cleaning was a necessary evil. Now, there are so many alternatives to the dry-clean-only fabrics, (aside from the traditional suit which seems to be reserved for interviews only these days) that there is no “need” for such things in our wardrobes. Sometimes I wish I had a wasteful habit like regular dry cleaning so that I would have a way to save some money to put to better use..

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