Thursday, February 26, 2009

March Monthly Menu

My meal planning advice of the day today is DON'T do what I did for March. Plan your menu early in bits and pieces and do not wait till the end of the month to do it. My daughter watched an hour more of tv than I would have liked as I rushed to get my menu together so that I could make ONE trip to Sam's club instead of two. I know that pulling it together will be worth it over the next 4 1/2 weeks but it wasn't fun doing it last minute.

Well coming up in March I tried to get super cheap and even though we follow the pre-Vatican II abstinence on Fridays year round, we will be trying some new vegetarian recipes on Fridays during this Lenten Season. The new veggie recipes were more inspired by what odds and ends I found in my pantry than a desire to try a yummy sounding recipe. A couple of them I am not so sure about but hey, it's always good to try something new and at least it uses some pantry items that I already have on hand.
I hope the Pad Thai is good. I just had the pleasure of having Pad Thai out for the first time in years thanks to my friend Theresa and it made me want more!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, Where's the May menu? I totally blew April: wing it month: Horrible.

Let me know when you post May. I'll "start over."

Take care,
