Monday, February 2, 2009

A trip to the Grocery Store CAN be enjoyable

I got the pleasure of running to the grocery the other day BY MYSELF. NO KIDS! As if that wasn’t good enough I happened to get a really sweet cashier. She asked me who the caramel lover in the house was when she saw that I was getting an entire 14 oz bag of caramels. I said, “who isn’t?” but then explained that I use them in a cereal bar recipe for my son’s lunches which is really just more like a candy/cookie recipe. She got my madness immediately and said that it was probably better than a lot of the packaged stuff sold in the store with a bunch of unpronounceable preservative ingredients and such. I thanked her for “getting” my madness. THEN, get this, THEN on top of all that when she got to my wine she says, “I know you said that you have kids and all but could I please see your license?” Oh My Goodness! YES YES YES! You may see my license! She said that I didn’t look that old when she saw that I was 34. I suppose 35 shouldn’t be feelin’ all that bad this year, huh?

Ok, my girlfriends are sick of hearing me say, “did I tell you that I got carded the other day?” so now you have to read about it. Ok, I’m done with the story . . . for a while anyway.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok...I am jealous of you being carded!!!!!