Thursday, February 5, 2009

Random Thoughts on Surviving Family Life

I get quite overwhelmed with the busy-ness of our lives with three kids some days. I know we aren't really terribly busy right now as mine are fairly young but as they get older we will get busier. I've had this thought floating around in my head every day for a couple of months. A wise friend of mine brought it up during a Familia meeting that..........

If you have taught your children about God, haven't you done your job?

So, here is my new organizational tip for moms who are having one of those out-of-control days. (It's not really an organizational tip but let's pretend that it is related somehow.) Stop whatever you are doing and take a moment to pray with your kids or read a bible story to them. Because in the end, no matter how (un)organized your home is, whatever you feed your family for dinner to get you by till the next meal or even how well planned your budget may or may not be, if you have taught your children about God then you have most certainly done your job for the day.


Danielle said...

This is what I meant last night by being "more Catholic" than some Catholics I know--just becuase you are born and baptized as a child a Catholic doesn't make you a better Catholic than a recent convert like yourself! Sometimes I think you don't give yourself enough credit!

Anonymous said...

Amen! I found myself praying with Nate at squeaky sneakers today as we were both loosing it.