It comes of no surprise that I am a list person. I love daily lists, I love weekly lists, I love meal planning lists, house cleaning lists, shopping lists for each store that I shop, I love lists. I should really get a bumper sticker that just says I LOVE LISTS. Not only do they help me to organize my time but there is great satisfaction in crossing something that I have accomplished off my lists.
Our very wise Associate Pastor, Father Michael, said in a homily recently that how we spend our time ought to reflect our values. When this life is over how are we going to explain how we spent our time? We are all given the same amount of time in a day, but it is interesting how differently we each spend it.
Most of my lists have action-type tasks on them like “clean under couches” or “return library books” but lately I been thinking about that time management homily and I think my lists could be an opportunity to prioritize my time so that I do get to truly the most important things in life that so often get pushed aside for the action-type tasks. So I am sitting here making my daily list here while I write this post:
Find all library books around house
Pick up library book on hold & return found ones
Read more about Moses with Carter (Exodus)
Write a note to grandmother & have Vivian help w/ picture
Play ball with Dillon
Print out rosary to start saying decade of the rosary with kids with our bedtime prayers
Complete daily household chore list
Contact star wars guy to set date for Carter’s birthday party
Call St Augustine’s again and St Malachi’s regarding baked goods
Bake breakfast muffins for freezing
In looking at my list, it is obvious that the most important things are totally doable and do not take up that much time at all. Lucky for me I am used to sticking to referencing lists throughout the day and crossing items off so I shouldn’t have much trouble. A master list of “Most Important Things” will be helpful. Each day I make up my daily task list I can be sure to incorporate a few of the items on the Most Important Things list. One new organizational scheme always spurs more for me. I love it. I am also picturing a new family meeting where we include the kids in prioritizing our “Most Important Things” list so we all understand what truly is “Most Important” in our family and ensure that we spend our time accordingly.
Happy list crossing off to those daily to-do list people out there today.
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